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职称:研究员,博导       职务:智能软件与服务计算研究所,所长


Email: lixiuhua1988@gmail.com(Primary),lixiuhua@cqu.edu.cn



李秀华是重庆大学百人计划特聘研究员、博士生导师, 智能软件与服务计算研究所所长,重庆英才·青年拔尖人才,重庆市学术技术带头人后备人选,入选美国斯坦福大学/Elsevier全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,CCF YOCSEF重庆AC委员与学术秘书,CCF分布式计算与系统专委会委员,重庆计算机学会理事,国家/重庆市自然基金评审专家,IEEE/ACM/CAAI会员,CCF高级会员。目前任职于重庆大学大数据与软件学院。于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia, UBC)获电子与计算机工程系博士学位,师从Victor C.M. Leung教授(IEEE Life Fellow,加拿大皇家科学院院士,加拿大工程院院士,加拿大工程研究院院士),于哈尔滨工业大学(哈工大)获得本科与硕士学位。目前总共发表100多篇论著,其中,IEEE/ACM国际期刊与会议论文70余篇。国际学会发表演讲10余次,同时是50余个国际会议/期刊的审稿人,也是20余个国际会议的TPC成员。


Google Scholar Citation:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NNZ2sdgAAAAJ&hl=en






2014/01-2019/02,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (UBC),电子与计算机工程, 博士,导师:Victor C.M. Leung教授






2019/02-2019/06, Internship,Dept. ECE, Houston University, Houston, TX, USA


- 重庆市学术技术带头人后备人选,2024

- 美国斯坦福大学/Elsevier全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,2022-2024

- 中国商业联合会全国服务业科技创新奖,一等奖,2023

- ACM中国新星奖(重庆),2023

- 小米青年学者,2023

- 重庆大学“优秀共产党员”,2023

- 中国发明协会发明创业奖成果奖,二等奖,2022

- 重庆英才计划青年拔尖人才,2021


- 本科生课程:《离散数学》《统计分析》

- 研究生课程:《边缘计算与网络优化》中英双语


- 博士生:程路熙(2019/09--),宋涛(2020/09--),李辉(硕博连读,2021/09--),郝金隆(2022/09--),徐国增(硕博连读,2023/09--),陈凌霄(2023/09--),郭键锰(2024/09--),刘斌(2024/09--),侯鑫(2024/09--)

- 硕士生唐雅馨(2022/09--),张祯(2022/09--),王刚(2022/09--),陈远联合,2022/09--),唐健联合,2022/09--),曾胡爽(2023/09--),黄河澎(2023/09--),程露露(2023/09--),陈思欣(卓越,2023/09--),范馨阳(卓越,2023/09--),刘根琦(卓越,联合,2023/09--),赵宗凯(2024/09--),张雨甜(2024/09--),陈武(2024/09--)

- 毕业生

孙川(博士),2019/09--2023/12,新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University,博后

程诗桐(本科),2017/09-2021/07,美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College,美国八大藤校之一),全奖读硕







[21] 四川省区域创新合作项目:边云协同下大规模AI任务的智能计算方法研究2024/01--2025/12,课题负责人

[20] 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重大项目:支持海量异构设备接入的自动驾驶数据闭环核心工具链开发2023/12/10-2026/12/09,课题负责人

[19] 重庆邮电大学大数据智能计算重点实验室开放基金项目:面向智能网联汽车的边云协同智能计算机制2023/08-2025/08,项目负责人

[18] 国家自然基金项目(面上):基于联邦强化学习的云边端协同计算机制研究2024/01-2027/12,项目负责人

[17] 重庆市留学人员回国创新支持计划项目(优秀资助)智能汽车AI模型一体化训练与集成关键技术研究2023/09-2025/08,项目负责人

[16] 成都市区域科技创新合作项目:面向大规模AI任务的边云协同智能计算机制研究,2023/01--2024/12,课题负责人

[15] 四川省区域创新合作项目:基于人工智能的物联网自进化防御机制研究,2023/01--2024/12,课题负责人

[14] 重庆英才计划包干制项目:边云协同智能计算机制研究,2021/11--2024/10,项目负责人


[12] 重庆市工业和信息化领域“揭榜挂帅”项目(工业软件方向第一批)汽车整车软件平台开发,2021/10--2023/12,课题负责人

[11] 重庆工业大数据创新中心联合科研项目:工业大数据边缘计算关键技术研究,2020/07--2020/11,结题,项目负责人

[10] 中央高校基本科研业务费“基础研究与前沿交叉学科方向”重点项目:移动边缘缓存机制与优化研究,2020/01--2021/12,结题,项目负责人

[9] 重庆市留学人员回国创新支持计划项目(优秀资助):移动边缘计算网络中终端与基站协作缓存机制与优化研究,2019/11-2021/10,结题,项目负责人

[8] 国家自然基金项目(青年):移动边缘计算网络中终端与基站协作缓存机制与优化研究,2020/01-2022/12,结题,项目负责人

[7] 重庆市自然基金项目(面上):异构移动网络中边缘协作缓存的优化研究,2019/07-2022/07,结题,项目负责人

[6] 国家重点研发计划“物联网与智慧城市关键技术及示范”重点专项:物联网智能感知终端平台系统与应用验证,2019/05-2022/05,参与

[5] 加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会(NSERC)Discovery项目:SIRAN-基于深度学习的软件自定义的智能5G移动网络服务项目, 2018/10-2022/10, 600,000$,参与(协助申请)

[4] 加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会(NSERC)Discovery项目:SIRAS-基于软件自定义的智能5G移动网络构架项目, 2014/03-2018/03, 525,000$,结题,参与(协助申请)

[3] 加拿大华为与UBC合作项目:智能5G移动网络构架技术项目,2014/01-2017/01,500,000$,结题,参与

[2] 哈工大与中电集团合作项目:SC-FDE系统中自适应传输策略研究,2010/05-2013/05, 结题,参与

[1] 国家自然基金项目(面上):认知无线电中频谱分配算法研究,2010/01-2012/12, 结题,参与



[4] 重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目(一般项目):产教融合背景下软件工程学术硕士科研能力培养模式的探索与实践2023/07-2025/061.5万元,项目负责人

[3] 育部产学合作协同育人项目:《人工智能导论》协同育人课程建设,2021/01-2021/125万元,项目负责人

[2] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目:新工科背景下基于VR的人工智能关键技术及应用研究,2021/01-2021/1210万元,参与

[1] 育部产学合作协同育人项目:《大数据工程实训》协同育人课程建设,2021/01-2021/12,5万元,参与


- 专著/章节


[3] Kai Peng, Yiwen Zhang, Xiaofei Wang, Xiaolong Xu,Xiuhua Li*, and Victor C.M. Leung, ``Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing'', Chapter in Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer, 2019.

[2] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang and Victor C.M. Leung, ``Mobile Edge Caching in HetNets'',Chapter in Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer, March 2018.

[1] Xiuhua Li*, and Victor C.M. Leung, ``Optimizing Power Allocation in Wireless Networks: Are the Implicit Constraints Really Redundant?'', Ch. 12 in Ad Hoc Networks, Y. Zhou and T. Kunz, ed., LNICST, vol. 184, pp. 143-154, December 2016.


- 期刊论文(节选)

[53] Chenyang Wang, Hao Yu*, Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Tarik Taleb, and, and Victor C. M. Leung,“Dependency-Aware Microservice Deployment for Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach with Network Representation”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024. (JCR-1,CCF-A,IF=6.075)

[52] Hui Li,Xiuhua Li*, Qilin Fan, Qiang He, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,“Distributed DNN Inference with Fine-grained Model Partitioning in Mobile Edge Computing Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024, 23(10): 9060-9074. (JCR-1,CCF-A,IF=6.075)

[51] Chuan Sun,Xiuhua Li*, Chenyang Wang, Qiang He, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,“Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Joint Service Caching and Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2024, 17(4): 1548-1564. (JCR-1,CCF-A,IF=8.1)

[50] 范琪琳,牛岳,尹浩,王天富,李秀华*,郝金隆,“GAT-IL:一种基于图注意力网络与模仿学习的服务功能链部署方法”,电子学报, 2024. (CCF-A中文)

[49] 刘斌, 李轶群, 史博, 任延凯, 洪俊, 李秀华*,“无信号交叉路口基于模糊调度策略的车辆控制研究”,计算机工程, 2024. (CCF-C中文)

[48] Hui Li,Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun, Fang Fang, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,Intelligent Content Caching and User Association in Mobile Edge Computing Networks for Smart Cities”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 2024, 11(1): 994-1007. (JCR-1, IF=5.213)

[47] Ruohan Shi, Qilin Fan*, Shu Fu, Xu Zhang, Xiuhua Li, Meng Chen,“COCAM: a cooperative video edge caching and multicasting approach based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning in multi-clouds environment”, Journal of Cloud Computing (JCC),2023. (JCR-2, IF=3.222)

[46] Hui Li, Xiuhua Li*, Qilin Fan, Qingyu Xiong, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,Transfer Learning for Real-Time Surface Defect Detection with Multi-Access Edge-Cloud Computing Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM)2023, 21(1): 310-323. (JCR-1, CCF-C, IF=3.878)

[45] Tao Song, Xiuhua Li*, Yingheng Yu, Yaping Cui, Kai Chen, Luxi Cheng, Jinlong Hao, and Chunmao Cai, Low-power secure caching strategy for Internet of vehicles”,Wireless Networks (WINE),2023. (JCR-2, CCF-C, IF=2.701)

[44] Junnan Li, Zhengyi Yang*, Kai Chen, Zhao Ming, Xiuhua Li, Qilin Fan, Jinlong Hao, and Luxi Cheng, “Dependency-aware task offloading based on deep reinforcement learning in mobile edge computing networks”, Wireless Networks (WINE),2023. (JCR-2, CCF-C, IF=2.701)

[43] Shuting Qiu, Qilin Fan*, Xiuhua Li, Xu Zhang, Geyong Min, and Yongqiang Lyu, OA-Cache: Oracle Approximation based Cache Replacement at the Network Edge, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM),2023, 20(3): 3177-3189. (JCR-1, CCF-C, IF=4.195)

[42] Chuan Sun, Xiuhua Li*, Junhao Wen, Xiaofei Wang, Zhu Han, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation-enabled Edge Caching in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2023, 41(3): 690-705. (JCR-1, CCF-A, IF=9.302)

[41] Xiuhua Li, Zhenghui Xu, Fang Fang, Qilin Fan*, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,“Task Offloading for Deep Learning Empowered Automatic Speech Analysis in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC),2023, 11(2): 1985-1998. (JCR-1, CCF-C, IF=5.938)

[40] Ziheng Duan, Yueyang Wang, Weihao Ye, Qilin Fan, Xiuhua Li,Connecting latent relationships over heterogeneous attributed network for recommendation, Applied Intelligence, 2022, 52(14): 16214-16232. (JCR-2, CCF-C)

[39] Xiuhua Li, Chuan Sun, Junhao Wen, Xiaofei Wang, Mohsen Guizani, and Victor C. M. Leung,Multi-user QoE Enhancement: Federated Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Edge Intelligence”, IEEE Network, 2022, 36(5): 144-151. (JCR-1, IF=8.808)

[38] Guanzhong Liang, Chuan Sun, Jianing Zhou, Fengji Luo, Junhao Wen, Xiuhua Li,A General Matrix Factorization Framework for Recommender Systems in Multi-access Edge Computing Network, Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 2022, 27(4): 1629-1641. (JCR-2, CCF-C)

[37] Qilin Fan, Pan Pan, Xiuhua Li, Sen Wang*, Jian Li, Junhao Wen, “DRL-D: Revenue-Aware Online Service Function Chain Deployment via Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM),2022, 19(4): 4531-4545. (JCR-1, CCF-C, IF=4.195)

[36] Zhao Ming, Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,Sleeping Cell Detection for Resiliency Enhancements in 5G/B5G Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks”, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks(TOSN),2022, 18(3)(42): 1-30. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=3.52)

[35] Jie Liao, Wei Zhou, Fegnji Luo, Junhao Wen, Xiuhua Li, Jun Zeng,SocialLGN: Light graph convolution network for social recommendation”, Information Sciences,2022, 589: 595-607. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=7.89)

[34] Huan Zhou, Kai Jiang, Xuxun Liu, Xiuhua Li, and Victor C. M. Leung, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT J), 2022, 9(2): 1517-1530. (JCR-1, IF=9.515)

[33] 宋涛,李秀华*,李辉,文俊浩,熊庆宇,陈杰,大数据时代下车联网安全加密认证技术研究”, 计算机科学, 2022, 49(4): 340-353. (CCF-B中文)

[32] Yunfeng Zhao, Zhicheng Liu, Chao Qiu, Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, and Qinghua Hu*,Socialized Learning for Smart Cities: Cognitive Paradigm, Methodology, and Solution”, IEEE Wireless Communications, 2021, 28(5): 200-208. (JCR-1, IF=11.979)

[31] Kai Jiang, Chuan Sun, Huan Zhou*, Xiuhua Li, Mianxiong Dong, and Victor C. M. Leung,Intelligence-Empowered Mobile Edge Computing: Framework, Issues, Implementation, and Outlook”, IEEE Network, 2021, 35(5): 74-82. (JCR-1, IF=8.808)

[30] 李辉,李秀华,熊庆宇,文俊浩,程路熙*,邢镔,边缘计算助力工业互联网:架构、应用与挑战”, 计算机科学, 2021, 48(1): 1-10. (CCF-B中文)

[29] Suning Han, Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung,RecCac: Recommendation-Empowered Cooperative Edge Caching for Internet of Things”, ZTE Communications, 2021, 19(2): 2-10. 

[28] Xiongwei Wu, Xiuhua Li, Jun Li, P. C. Ching, Victor C.M. Leung, and Vincent Poor, “Caching Transient Content for IoT Sensing: Multi-Agent Soft Actor-Critic”, IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2021, 69(9): 5886-5901. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=5.69)

[27] Chuan Sun, Xiongwei Wu,Xiuhua Li*, Qilin Fan, Junhao Wen, and Victor C. M. Leung,Cooperative Computation Offloading for Multi-Access Edge Computing in 6G Mobile Networks via Soft Actor Critic”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 2024, 11(6): 5601-5614. (JCR-1, IF=5.213)

[26] Xiuhua Li, Luxi Cheng, Chuan Sun, Kwok-Yan Lam, Xiaofei Wang, and Feng Li*,Federated Learning Empowered Collaborative Data Sharing for Vehicular Edge Networks”, IEEE Network, 2021, 35(3): 116-124. (JCR-1, IF=8.808)

[25] Qilin Fan, Xiuhua Li*, Jian Li, Qiang He, Kai Wang, and Junhao Wen,PA-Cache: Evolving Learning-Based Popularity-Aware Content Caching in Edge Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2021,18(2): 1746-1757. (JCR-1, CCF-C, IF=3.878)

[24] Xiaofei Wang, Ruibin Li, Chenyang Wang, Xiuhua Li*, Tarik Taleb, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Attention-Weighted Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Device-to-Device Assisted Heterogeneous Collaborative Edge Caching”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2021, 39(1): 154-169. (JCR-1, CCF-A, IF=9.302)

[23] Xiaofei Wang, Chenyang Wang, Xiuhua Li*, Victor C. M. Leung, and Tarik Taleb, “Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet of Things with Decentralized Cooperative Edge Caching”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT J), 2020, 7(10): 9441-9455. (JCR-1, IF=9.515,热点论文,ESI top 1/1000)

  [22] Xiaofei Wang, Xiuhua Li*, Sangheon Pack, Zhu Han, and Victor C.M. Leung, “STCS: Spatial-Tempor al Collaborative Sampling in Flow-aware Software Defined Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2020, 38(6): 999-1013. (JCR-1, CCF-A, IF=9.302)

[21] Xiongwei Wu, Qiang Li, Xiuhua Li, Victor C.M. Leung, and P. C. Ching, “Joint Long-Term Cache Updating and Short-Term Content Delivery in Cloud-Based Small Cell Networks”IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2020, 68(5): 3173-3186. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=5.69)

[20] Chun Sun, Hui Li, Xiuhua Li*, Junhao Wen, Qingyu Xiong, and Wei Zhou, “Convergence of Recommender Systems and Edge Computing: A Comprehensive Survey”, IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 47118-47132.(JCR-1, IF=4.098)

[19] Feng Li, Kwokyan Lam, Xiuhua Li*, Zhengguo Sheng, and Li Wang, “Advances and Emerging Challenges in Cognitive Internet of Things”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), 2020, 16(8): 5489-5496. (JCR-1, IF=5.43)

[18] Feng Li, Kwok-Yan Lam, Min Jia, Kanglian Zhao, Xiuhua Li, and Li Wang, “Spectrum Optimization for Satellite Communication Systems with Heterogeneous User Preferences”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2020, 14(2): 2187-2191. (JCR-1, IF=4.463)

[17] Huan Zhou*, Hui Wang, Ning Wang, Dawei Li, Yue Cao, Xiuhua Li*, and Jie Wu, “Exploiting Mobile Social Networks from Temporal Perspective: A Survey”, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 180818-180834. (JCR-1, IF=4.098)

[16] Qilin Fan,Xiuhua Li, Sen Wang, Shu Fu, and Yueyang Wang, “NA-Caching: An Adaptive Content Management Approach Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 152014-152022. (JCR-1, IF=4.098)

[15] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Peng-Jun Wan, Zhu Han, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Hierarchical Edge Caching in Device-to-Device Aided Mobile Networks: Modeling, Optimization, and Design”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2018, 36(8): 1768-1785. (JCR-1, CCF-A, IF=8.085,IEEE官方主页封面文章)

[14] Huan Zhou, Hui Wang,Xiuhua Li*, and Victor C.M. Leung, “A Survey of Mobile Data Offloading Techniques”, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 5101-5111. (JCR-1, IF=3.244,ESI高被引)

[13] Huan Zhou, Hui Wang, Xin Chen,Xiuhua Li*, and Shouzhi Xu, “Data Offloading Techniques through Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey”, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 65250-65259. (JCR-1, IF=3.244,ESI高被引)

[12] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Zhengguo Sheng, Huan Zhou, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Resource Allocation for Cache-enabled Cloud-based Small Cell Networks”, Computer Communications (ComCom), 2018, 127: 20-29. (JCR-2, CCF-C, IF=3.338

[11] Xin Ge,Xiuhua Li, Hu Jin, Julian Cheng, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Joint User Association and User Scheduling for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2018, 17(5): 3211-3225. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=4.951)

[10] Feng Li, Kwok-Yan Lam,Xiuhua Li, Xin Liu, Li Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, “Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks with Heterogeneous Users: How to Price the Spectrum?”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2018, 67(6): 5203-5216. (JCR-1, IF=4.066)

[9] Chunqiang Hu, Hang Liu, Liran Ma, Yan Huo, Arwa Alrawais,Xiuhua Li, Hong Li, Qingyu Xiong, “A Secure and Scalable Data Communication Scheme in Smart Grids", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 2018: 1-17. (JCR-3, CCF-C, IF=1.899)

[8] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Keqiu Li, Zhu Han, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Collaborative Multi-tier Caching in Heterogeneous Networks: Modeling, Analysis, and Design”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2017, 16(10): 6926-6939. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=4.951)

[7] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Optimizing Power Allocation in Wireless Networks: Are the Implicit Constraints Really Redundant?”, Computer Communications (ComCom), 2017, 111: 153-164. (JCR-2, CCF-C, IF=3.338)

[6] Xiuhua Li*, Xiaofei Wang, Keqiu Li, and Victor C.M. Leung, “CaaS: Caching as a Service for 5G networks”, IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 5982-5993. (JCR-1, IF=3.244)

[5] Chunsheng Zhu,Xiuhua Li, Victor C.M. Leung, Laurence T. Yang, Edith C.H. Ngai, and Lei Shu, “Towards Pricing for Sensor-Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2017.2649525. (JCR-1, IF=7.928)

[4] Peiran Wu, and Xiuhua Li, “Robust Optimization of SC-FDE Based Multihop DF Relay Systems with Imperfect CSI”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2017, 66(3): 2862-2867. (JCR-1, IF=4.066)

[3] Yuanfang Chi,Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Victor C.M. Leung, and Abdallah Shami, “A Fairness-Aware Pricing Model for Infrastructure as a Service Cloud”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2017, 11(2): 1006-1017. (JCR-1, IF=3.882)

[2] Xiuhua Li, Xin Ge, Xiaofei Wang, Julian Cheng, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Energy Efficiency Optimization: Joint Antenna-Subcarrier-Power Allocation in OFDM-DASs”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2016, 15(11): 7470-7483. (JCR-1, CCF-B, IF=4.951)

[1] Xiaofei Wang,Xiuhua Li, Victor C.M. Leung, “Artificial Intelligence Based Techniques for Emerging Heterogeneous Network: State of the Arts, Opportunities and Challenges”, IEEE Access, 2015, 3: 1379-1391. (JCR-1, IF=3.244)


- 会议论文(节选)

[46] Gang Wang, Jinlong Hao*, Guozeng Xu, Jian Tang, Xiuhua Li, Penghua Li, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cache Allocation of Multi-Cloud Content Providers in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks”, EAI 6GN, 2024. 

[45] Tao Song, Jinlong Hao*, Luxi Cheng, Hui Li, Xiuhua Li*, and Penghua Li, “V2V Communication Systems for Advanced Truck Platooning at Freight Hubs”, EAI 6GN, 2024.

[44] Zongkai Zhao, Xiuhua Li*and Kaiwen Wei, S2D: Enhancing Zero-shot Cross-lingual Event Argument Extraction with Semantic Knowledge”, NLPCC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[43] Yuxuan Deng, Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, Semi-Asynchronous Federated Learning with Trajectory Prediction for Vehicular Edge Computing”, IEEE IWQoS, 2024. (CCF-B)

[42] Feng Li,Wei Nie, Kwok-Yan Lam, Bowen Shen, and Xiuhua Li, “Network Traffic Prediction Using PSO-LightGBM-TM”, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, 2024.

[41] Jian Tang, Xiuhua Li*, Hui Li, Min Xiong, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, Energy-Efficient Client Sampling for Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[40] Yuan Chen, Xiuhua Li*, Guozeng Xu and Ling Liu, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, Competitive and Cooperative Computation Offloading for Intensive Heterogeneous Tasks in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[39] Zebo Zhao, Chao Qiu, Yunfeng Zhao, Xiaofei Wang, Haipeng Yao, Xiuhua Li, and Richard Yu, F²NAS: Flexible Federated Neural Architecture Search in Green Edge Computing”, IEEE ICC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[38] Xiaoyun Shi, Yunfeng Zhao, Chao Qiu, Xiaofei Wang, Xiuhua Li, and Wenyu Wang, CrossLearning: Vertical and Horizontal Learning for Request Scheduling in Edge-Cloud Systems”, IEEE ICC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[37] Jingchao Tan, Tiancheng Zhang, Chenyang Wang, Xiuhua Li, and Xiaofei Wang, Energy-Efficient User Allocation and Content Updating in Mobile Edge Computing Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[36] Yaxin Tang, Xiuhua Li*, Hui Li, Zhengyi Yang, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, "Collaborative DNNs Inference with Joint Model Partition and Compression in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks", IEEE WCNC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[35] Lingxiao Chen, Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computation Offloading in Multi-IRS Assisted Mobile Edge Computing Networks", IEEE WCNC, 2024. (CCF-C)

[34] Yuxuan Deng, Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun,Jinlong Hao, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Joint Service Placement and Request Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing Networks, IEEE ISCC, 2023. (CCF-C)

[33] Guozeng Xu, Xiuhua Li*, Hui Li, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, Energy-Efficient Dynamic Asynchronous Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2023. (CCF-C)

[32] Chenyang Wang, Bosen Jia, Hao Yu, Xiuhua Li,Xiaofei Wang, and Tarik Taleb, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dependency-aware Microservice Deployment in Edge Computing, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2022. (CCF-C)

[31] Zhihan Fu, Qilin Fan, Xu Zhang, Xiuhua Li, Sen Wang, Yueyang Wang,Policy Network Assisted Monte Carlo Tree Search for Intelligent Service Function Chain Deployment, TrustCom, 2021. (CCF-C)

[30] Zhao Ming, Xiuhua Li*, Chuan Sun, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, “Dependency-Aware Hybrid Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing Networks”, IEEE ICPADS, 2021. (CCF-C)

[29] Fanfan Wu, Xiuhua Li*, Hui Li, Qilin Fan, Linquan Zhu, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, “Energy-Time Efficient Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing in Hot-Spot Scenarios”, IEEE ICC, 2021. (CCF-C)

[28] Tianfu Wang, Qilin Fan, Xiuhua Li, Qingyu Xiong, Shu Fu, Min Gao, and Xu Zhang, “DRL-SFCP: Adaptive Service Function Chains Placement with Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE ICC, 2021. (CCF-C)

[27] Hui Li, Chuan Sun, Xiuhua Li*, Qingyu Xiong, Junhao Wen, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C. M. Leung, “Mobility-Aware Content Caching and User Association for Ultra-Dense Mobile Edge Computing Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2020. (CCF-C)

[26] Pan Pan, Qilin Fan, Sen Wang, Xiuhua Li, Jian Li, and Wenxiang Shi, “GCN-TD: A Learning-based Approach for Service Function Chain Deployment on the Fly, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2020. (CCF-C)

[25] Xiongwei Wu, Xiuhua Li, Jun Li, P.C. Ching, and H. Vincent Poor, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for IoT Networks: Age of Information and Energy Cost Tradeoff, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2020. (CCF-C)

[24] Shitong Cheng, Zhenghui Xu, Xiuhua Li*, Xiongwei Wu, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Task Offloading for Automatic Speech Recognition in Edge-Cloud Computing Based Mobile Networks”, IEEE ISCC, 2020. (CCF-C)

[23] Zhao Ming, Chuan Sun, Xiuhua Li*, Qilin Fan, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Ensemble Learning Based Sleeping Cell Detection in Cloud Radio Access Networks, IEEE ISCC, 2020. (CCF-C)

[22] Chuan Sun, Hui Li, Xiuhua Li*, Junhao Wen, Qingyu Xiong, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Task Offloading for End-Edge-Cloud Orchestrated Computing in Mobile Networks”IEEE WCNC, 2020. (CCF-C) 

[21] Ruibin Li, Yiwei Zhao, Chenyang Wang, Xiaofei Wang, Victor C.M. Leung, Xiuhua Li, and Tarik Taleb, "Edge Caching Replacement Optimization for D2D Wireless Networks via Weighted Distributed DQN"IEEE WCNC, 2020. (CCF-C)

[20] Xiuhua Li*, Xiaofei Wang, Zhengguo Sheng, Chunqiang Hu, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Popularity-Prediction-Driven Hierachical Caching in Fog-Cloud based Radio Access Networks”, ACM TUR-C, 2019. 

[19] Xiongwei Wu, Qiang Li,Xiuhua Li*#, Victor C.M. Leung, and P.C. Ching, “Joint Long-Term Cache Allocation and Short-Term Content Delivery in Green Cloud Small Cell Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2019. (CCF-C)

[18] Xiongwei Wu,Xiuhua Li*#, Qiang Li, Victor C.M. Leung, and P.C. Ching, “Latency Driven Fronthaul Bandwidth Allocation and Cooperative Beamforming For Cache-enabled Cloud-based Small Cell Networks”, IEEE ICASSP, 2019. (CCF-B)

[17] Xuan Luo, Wei Cai, Zehua Wang,Xiuhua Li, and Victor C.M. Leung, “A Payment Channel Based Hybrid Decentralized Ethereum Token Exchange”, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2019.

[16] Ding Li, Yiwen Han, Chenyang Wang, Gaotao Shi, Xiaofei Wang,Xiuhua Li, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Edge Caching in Future Mobile Networks”, IEEE WCNC, 2019. (CCF-C)

[15] Chenyang Wang, Shanjia Wang, Ding Li, Xiaofei Wang,Xiuhua Li, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Q-Learning based Edge Caching Optimization for D2D Enabled Hierarchical Wireless Networks”, IEEE MASS, 2018. (CCF-C)

[14] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Keqiu Li, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Collaborative Hierarchical Caching for Traffic Offloading in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE ICC, May 2017. (CCF-C)

[13] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Keqiu Li, Hongjun Chi, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Resource Allocation for Content Delivery in Cache-enabled OFDMA Small Cell Networks”,  IEEE VTC-Fall, 2017.

[12] Xiuhua Li, Peiran Wu, Xiaofei Wang, Keqiu Li, Zhu Han, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Collaborative Hierarchical Caching in Cloud Radio Access Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, 2017.

[11] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Weighted Network Traffic Offloading in Cache-enabled Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2016. (CCF-C)

[10] Xiuhua Li and Victor C.M. Leung, “Optimizing Power Allocation in Wireless Networks: Are the Implicit Constraints Really Redundant?”, AdhocNets, 2016.

[9] Xin Ge,Xiuhua Li*#, Hu Jin, Julian Cheng, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Joint User Association and Scheduling for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Globecom, 2016. (CCF-C)

[8] Xiaofei Wang,Xiuhua Li*#, and Victor C.M. Leung, “TASA: traffic offloading by tag-assisted social-aware opportunistic sharing in mobile social networks”, IEEE LANMAN, 2015. (CCF-C)

[7] Xin Ge, Hu Jin,Xiuhua Li*#, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Opportunistic Fair Resource Sharing with Secrecy Considerations in Uplink Wiretap Channels”, IEEE WCNC, 2015. (CCF-C)

[6] Chunsheng Zhu,Xiuhua Li*#, Victor C.M. Leung, and Laurence T. Yang, “Job Scheduling for Cloud Computing Integrated with Wireless Sensor Network”, IEEE CloudCom, 2015.

[5] Chunsheng Zhu, Victor C.M. Leung, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, and Xiuhua Li, “Trust Assistance in Sensor-Cloud”, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, 2015.

[4] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Shijie Xiao, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Delay Performance Analysis of Cooperative Cell Caching in Future Mobile Networks”, IEEE ICC, 2015. (CCF-C)

[3] Xiuhua Li, Xiaofei Wang, Chunsheng Zhu, Wei Cai, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Caching-as-a-Service: Virtual Caching Framework in the Cloud-based Mobile Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, 2015.

[2] Xiuhua Li, Xin Ge, Feng Li, and Victor C.M. Leung, “Max-Min Fair Resource Allocation for Min-Rate Guaranteed Services in Distributed Antenna Systems”, IEEE VTC-Fall, 2014.

[1] Xiaofei Wang,Xiuhua Li*#, Victor C.M. Leung, and Panos Nasiopoulos, “A Framework of Cooperative Cell Caching for the Future Mobile Networks”, HICSS, 2014. (CCF-C)

- 标准

[1] 重庆市公共建筑物联网监测技术导则(试行).重庆市住房和城乡建设委员会发布,2021,参编

- 专利

[44]李秀华,刘根琦,郝金隆,蔡春茂,周魏,范馨阳,陈思欣,赵宗凯,吴映波一种基于Co-Detr 模型和SAM 大模型的车辆场景图像数据自动标注方法和系统. 2024-10-29,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202411521287.2

[43]程路熙,李秀华周怡人,郝金隆,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种基于区块链与负载均衡结合的车载边缘网格化数据调度系统. 2024-10-22,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202411477776.2

[42]李秀华,张祯,郝金隆,黄河澎,曾胡爽,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种轻量级车载目标检测模型及其混合精度量化方法. 2024-04-28,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202410520640.9

[41]李秀华,唐健,熊敏,张帧,王刚,郝金隆,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种异构移动边缘计算网络中高能效客户端采样的联邦学习方法. 2024-03-25,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202410349561.6

[40]李秀华,陈远,程路熙,张祯,王刚,郝金隆,范琪琳,柳玲,文俊浩一种车辆边缘计算网络下面向密集异构任务的竞争与协作计算卸载方法. 2024-03-07,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202410261192.5

[39]李秀华,唐雅馨,郝金隆,程路熙,蔡春茂,李辉,杨正益,范琪琳,文俊浩一种边云协同下DNN 推理加速方法. 2024-02-07,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202410175179.8

[38]蔡春茂,吴映波,李秀华,陈凌霄,郝金隆,程路熙,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种智能反射面辅助的移动边缘计算网络下任务卸载优化方法. 2024-01-25,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202410109755.9

[37]郝金隆,李秀华,李辉,程路熙,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种边缘计算网络下分布式模型推理加速方法及系统. 2023-12-11,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202311688354.5

[36]李秀华,邓宇轩,孙川,郝金隆,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种移动边缘计算网络下服务放置与请求调度联合优化方法及系统. 2023-06-26,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202310756688.5

[35]李秀华,刘霖峰,杨昊淼,许若伊一种移动边缘计算网络下基于改进的联邦学习的健康检测系统. 2023-06-16,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202310718972.3

[34]程路熙,李秀华,徐国增,李辉,郝金隆,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益一种移动边缘计算网络下基于强化学习的联邦学习方法、系统及介质. 2023-05-22,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202310580633.3

[33]郝金隆,李秀华蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,刘礼,文俊浩一种面向2D 语义分割的预标注方法、系统及介质. 2023-05-22,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202310577870.4

[32]宋涛,李秀华,李辉,郝金隆,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,程路熙,一种面向车联网的低功耗安全缓存方法及介质. 2023-02-23,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202310158049.9

[31]程路熙李秀华,李君楠,李辉,郝金隆,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,一种基于边缘计算和深度强化学习的多用户依赖性任务卸载方法. 2023-03-01,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202310185892.6

[30]李秀华,李辉,徐峥辉,郝金隆,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩一种车联网中基于边缘计算和深度强化学习的动态服务放置方法. 2022-08-18,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202210992657.5

[29] 李秀华,孙川,李辉,乐雯娇,郝金隆,蔡春茂,范琪琳,杨正益,文俊浩,一种移动边缘计算网络下推荐赋能的边缘缓存优化方法. 2022-08-10,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202210956961.4

[28] 范琪琳,牛岳,潘盼,李秀华,蔡海尼,王森,王斐,一种资源异构环境下面向可靠性的服务功能链备份方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:202210514959.1

[27] 范琪琳,熊志英,付智瀚,李秀华,熊庆宇,高旻,王森,一种基于蒙特卡洛树搜索的服务功能链迁移方法. 中国发明专利,专利申请号:202210532948.6

[26] 范琪琳,史若涵,李秀华,付澍,陈蒙,王悦阳,刘奇峰,一种基于多智能体强化学习的边缘缓存替换方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202210513240.6

[25] 范琪琳,丘淑婷,蔡茂林,马浩,李秀华,熊庆宇,文俊浩,一种基于模仿学习的缓存替换系统及方法. 中国发明专利,专利申请号:202210491621.9

[24] 李秀华,袁传奇,乐雯娇,李辉,范琪琳,王悦阳,杨正益,文俊浩.一种基于迁移学习的边缘检测方法.2022-03-19,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202210272353.1

[23] 李秀华,韩苏宁,徐峥辉,邢镔,胡小林,朱林全,杨正益,文俊浩.一种基于混合优化策略极限学习机的云服务器负载预测方法.2021-12-17,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202111545844.0

[22] 宋涛,李秀华邢镔,胡小林,朱林全,杨正益,文俊浩.一种基于主动标识与区块链技术相结合的工业边缘侧数据共享系统. 2021-12-18,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202111552578.4

[21] 宋涛,李秀华李辉,杨正益,范琪琳,胡春强,文俊浩. 一种基于区块链的船舶轨迹监测系统. 2021-10-14,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202111198724.8

[20] 程路熙,李秀华,李辉,明钊,杨正益,文俊浩. 一种面向汽车产业供应链的网络协同制造系统. 2021-06-07,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202110630511.1

[19] 李秀华,韩苏宁,明钊,孙川,范琪琳,王悦阳,杨正益,文俊浩,熊庆宇. 一种基于推荐感知和协作边缘缓存的内容请求处理系统. 2021-05-25,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202110572916.4

[18] 程路熙,李秀华,李辉,明钊. 一种基于装配式建筑的标识解析系统. 2021-04-26,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202110454843.9

[17] 李秀华郭晨曦,虞皖川,明钊,李辉,杨正益,范琪琳. 一种基于深度学习的宽带装机质量监控系统. 2021-04-07,中国发明专利,专利申请号:202110372069.7

[16] 宋涛,李秀华李辉,明钊,范琪琳,文俊浩. 一种基于机器学习算法的车载 ECU 安全风险评估系统. 2021-02-04,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202110156103.7

[15] 李秀华吴凡凡,李辉,徐峥辉,明钊,范琪琳,文俊浩,熊庆宇. 一种移动边缘计算系统中任务卸载的成本效率优化系统及方法. 2020-12-19,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202011595152.2

[14] 李秀华,李辉,孙川,范琪琳,熊庆宇,文俊浩,毛玉星,李剑. 一种移动边缘计算网络下内容缓存和用户关联优化方法. 2020-09-08,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202010932408.8

[13] 范琪琳,王天富,李秀华,熊庆宇,潘盼,文俊浩,高旻. 基于异步强化学习的网络服务功能链动态部署系统及方法. 2020-12-21,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL202011514515.5

[12] 范琪琳,付智瀚,李秀华,潘盼,邢镔,王森,程路熙. 一种基于强化学习的服务功能链部署方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 202010881131.0

[11]范琪琳,潘盼,李秀华,付智瀚,王森,毛玉星,李剑. 一种网络服务功能链部署方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 202010879860.2

[10] 李秀华,李辉,孙川,文俊浩,熊庆宇,范琪琳,王悦阳,毛玉星,李剑. 一种端-边-云协同计算的任务卸载优化方法. 中国发明专利. 2019-12-31,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201911402857.5

[9] 李秀华,徐峥辉,袁传奇,程诗桐,毛玉星,李剑,范琪琳,王悦阳,唐永川. 一种基于边缘计算加速自动语音识别任务的卸载方法. 2019-12-31,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201911408237.2

[8] 范琪琳,李秀华,付智瀚,陈勇,王悦阳,唐永川,王森. 自适应内容缓存方法. 2019-12-31,中国发明专利,专利申请号:201911409148.X

[7] 李秀华,明钊,孙川,乐雯娇,吴凡凡,范琪琳,王悦阳,毛玉星,李剑. 移动通信网络中基于异常检测和核密度估计( KDE )的指标突变小区检测方法. 2019-12-31,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201911402828.9

[6] 李秀华,明钊,孙川,袁传奇,范琪琳,王悦阳,唐永川,毛玉星,李剑. 基于异常检测和集成学习的休眠小区检测方法. 2019-12-31,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201911408236.8

[5] 马琳,李秀华,谭学治,王孝,孙鹏飞,魏守明,李夏.单载波系统中基于导频的信道岭估计方法.中国专利,授权号:ZL 201210068625.2,2014.

[4] 马琳,李夏,谭学治,魏守明,王孝,孙鹏飞,李秀华. 一种实时在线的数据通信误码率的获得方法.中国专利,授权号:ZL 201210063484.5,2014.

[3] 谭学治,李夏,马琳,李秀华,杨小龙,盛飞. 认知无线电系统中循环谱的自适应快速感知方法.中国专利,授权号:ZL 201210180859.6,2014.

[2] 谭学治,于洋,迟永钢,马琳,叶亮,贾敏,李秀华. 一种基于SC-FDE系统的AMC方法.中国专利,授权号:ZL 201210341252.1,2015.

[1] 谭学治,李秀华,马琳魏守明,王孝,孙鹏飞,张琪,李夏. 认知无线系统中基于加性高斯白噪声信道数据辅助通信信号的信噪比误差矢量幅值估计方法.中国专利,授理号:201110318829.2,2013.

- 软件著作权

[1] 车载目标检测模型的混合精度量化系统[简称:车载模型量化系统]V1.0,重庆大学,登记号:2024SR0613880


- 学术兼职

- CCF YOCSEF重庆AC委员与学术秘书 (2021-2022)

- CCF分布式计算与系统专委会委员 (2021-至今)

- 重庆计算机学会理事 (2021-至今)


- 期刊组织

《Computer Communications》《Frontiers in Computer Science》,副编辑

《Computer Systems Science and Engineering》,编委

《Wireless Networks》《ZTE Communications》《计算机工程》等期刊,客座编辑

- 会议组织

- 7th EAI International Conference on 6G for Future Wireless Networks (6GN) 2024, General Chair

- 3rd EAI International Conference on 6G for Future Wireless Networks (6GN) 2020, Publicity Chair

- 第二届中国智博会“智慧物联与产业赋能高峰论坛”,2019,发起人与组织者

- 第十三届中国物联网学术会议 (CWSN),2019,分论坛主席 (Session Chair)

- IEEE QShine Workshop 2015, Publicity Chair

- Technical Programme Committee (TPC) Membership

IEEE ICCIFIP Networking, IEEE QShine Workshop, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE VTC, WICON 2017, DICC4SD 2017, ICDT 2017 2018 2019, IEEE ICCE 2019, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop etc.

- Reviewer Experience

- Journals: IEEE T Wireless, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Magzine,IEEE TCOM, IEEE TPDS, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TVT, IEEE TCC, IEEE TII, IEEE IoT J, IEEE TGCN, ISUSC,IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Access, IEEE WCL, ETRI Journal, Wireless Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, DSP, Computer Communications, Physical Communications, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, The Computer Journal, EURASIP Journal on WCN, TIIS, AJSE, China Communications, WCMC, MONET, ZUSC, Mobile Networks and Applications, IJWSR, Internation Journal of Control, IJWIN etc.

- Conferences: ACM MSWiM, IEEE Infocom, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE VTC, IEEE Cloudcom, ChinaCom, ICCC, CCECE, WF-IoT, WCSP, 5GWN, IEEE ISCT, ISPA,CollaborateCom etc.

- Invited Talks

- "AI大模型技术与应用探讨",CCF走进高校,2024-11-14



- "边缘智能与传统云智能的融合计算",CCF YOCSEF 重庆“边缘智能技术如何赋与人工智能新范式?”技术论坛,2020-11-21

- "移动边缘计算", 中国电信重庆公司科技节,2019-11-24

- "Content-Centric Edge Caching for 5G Mobile Internet and Beyond", 西部高校智能计算青年学者论坛,2019-04-27

- "未来智能网络之路",CCF YOCSEF 重庆“智能网络与人工智能专题”技术论坛,2017-12-16


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