葛永新, 教授, 博士生导师。
Email: yongxinge@cqu.edu.cn
2008.9—2009.9,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)联合培养,
2022.9 至今,重庆大学大数据与软件学院,教授
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:复杂场景下视频行为特征学习方法研究(62176031) 负责人 2022.1-2025.12
[2] 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目:道路路面病害智能识别技术研究与应用(CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0100),合作单位负责人,2022.12-2025.12
[3] 中央高校基金自科专项“前沿科学与颠覆性卡脖子技术研究子项”:时空协同的非对齐视频行为识别方法研究(2021CDJQY-018) 负责人 2021.1-2022.12
[4] 重庆市自然科学基金(基础研究与前沿探索项目):面向视频行为识别的多模态深度度量学习研究(cstc2018jcyjAX0410)负责人 2018.7—2021.6
[5] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:无控制条件下上下文感知和遮挡鲁棒的人脸对齐研究 (61402062) 负责人 2015.1-2017.12
[6] 重庆市前沿与应用基础(一般):无控制条件下利用上下文关系的人脸对齐研究 (cstc2015jcyjA40037) 负责人 2015.7-2018.6
1. Area Chair, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2020,2022
2. Session Co-Chair at the 1st International Workshop on Human Identification in Multimedia, in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2014
3. Organizer, Special Session on “Video Analysis and Understanding”, SPIE International Conference on Visual Communication and Image Processing (VCIP), 2015. (Co-organized with Associate Prof. Xin Feng)
4. Organizer, Workshop on “Large-Scale Soft Biometircs”, IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2017. (Co-organized with Associate Prof. Xin Feng, Associate Prof.Xiuzhuang Zhou,and Assistant Prof. Li Geng)
5. 中国生物特征识别大会程序委员会成员(2016-)
[1] Yanwen Wu, Mingjian Hong, Ao Li, Sheng Huang, Huijun Liu, Yongxin Ge*. Self-Supervised Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptation of Pavement Distress Classification. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS), 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3314680.
[2] Jiake Leng, Yiyan Zhang, Xiang Liu, Yiming Cui, Junhan Zhao*, Yongxin Ge*. Error-robust and Label-efficient Deep Learning for Understanding Tumor Microenvironment from Spatial Transcriptomics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3301677.
[3] Boyu Hua, Junyin Zhang, Ziqiang Li, Yongxin Ge*. Cross-Modality Channel Mixup and Modality Decorrelation for RGB-Infrared Person Re-identification. IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2023, 5(4):512-523.
[4] Huijun Liu, Chunhua Yang, Ao Li*, Sheng Huang, Xin Feng, Zhimin Ruan, and Yongxin Ge*. Deep Domain Adaptation for Pavement Crack Detection. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS), 2022, 24(2):1669-1681
[5] Shiyun Liao, Huijun Liu, Jianxi Yang, Yongxin Ge*. A Channel-spatial-temporal Attention-based Network for Vibration-based Damage Detection. Information Science, 2022, 606:213-229.
[6] Yongxin Ge*, Junyin Zhang, Xinyu Ren, Chenqiu Zhao, Juan Yang, and Anup Basu. Deep Variation Transformation Network for Foreground Detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), 2021, 31(9): 3544-3558.
[7] Yongxin Ge*, Xiaolei Qin, Dan Yang, Martin Jagersand. Deep Snippet Selective Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization. Pattern Recognition. 2021, 110(2): 107686.
[8] Xiaolei Qin, Yongxin Ge*, Hui Yu, Feiyu Chen, Dan Yang. Spatial Enhancement and Temporal Constraint for Weakly Supervised Action Localization. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27:1520-1524.
[9] Chenqiu Zhao, Aneeshan Sain, Ying Qu, Yongxin Ge*, Haibo Hu*. Background Subtraction based on Integration of Alternative Cues in Freely Moving Camera. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), 2019, 29(7): 1933-1945.
[10] Ziqiang Li, Yongxin Ge*, Jiaruo Yu, and Zhongming Chen. Forcing the Whole Video as Background: An Adversarial Learning Strategy for Weakly Temporal Action Localization. ACM Multimedia (MM), 2022.
[11] Junyin Zhang, Yongxin Ge*, Xinqian Gu, Boyu Hua, and Tao Xiang.Self-Supervised Pre-training on the Target Domain for Cross-Domain Person Re-identification. ACM Multimedia (MM), 2021.
[12] 蒲瞻星, 葛永新*. 基于多特征融合的小样本视频行为识别算法. 计算机学报, 2023,46(3):594-608.
[13] 李傲,葛永新*,刘慧君,杨春华,周修庄. 内容感知的可解释性路面病害检测模型. 计算机研究与发展,2023.
Last Update: 10-08-2023, Copyright 2011~2023, Yongxin Ge All Rights Reserved